пятница, 4 ноября 2011 г.

video highlights in SAN JOSE video highlights SAN JOSE

video highlights in SAN JOSE

video highlights

video highlights SAN JOSE

video highlights in SAN JOSE.That means that js lacks a lot of features which both helps developers build stable applications and applications that perform well.
For example js lacks strict typing, which not only helps developers catch bugs easier, but helps the jit compiler achieve optimum performance.
And both canvas and svg performs many times worse than the rendering in the flash player.
That could be improved so it matches or even beats flash in performance one day, but what are the signs that it will?
Flash beats all competing technologies in that area today, and is still being optimized.
Trying to make it into a clear cut issue like the cdr replacing the floppy is dumb or dishonest.
And feature completion for html standards takes time.
For example whatwg is still discussing the standard for multitouch, and adobe already have an implementation.
Standards always has been slow to develop and get adopted, and flash has been able to adopt new features and have them accessible to users very quickly.
That is very unlikely to change.
Apple did manage to speed up development of html by breaking out from w3c and starting whatwg, but that just goes to show how the fragmented control slows things down.
That is quite dishonest considering that apple is the predominant force when it comes to developing html5.
Not only by setting up whatwg, but also due to the fact that the canvas is their own proprietary technology.

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