вторник, 4 октября 2011 г.

how to kill fleas in carpet::Two environmentally friendly outdoor flea control options are flea nematodes and cedar how to kill fleas in carpet

how to kill fleas in carpet

how to kill fleas in carpet

how to kill fleas in carpet

how to kill fleas in carpet::Two environmentally friendly outdoor flea control options are flea nematodes and cedar.
The best and safest way to get to get rid of outdoor fleas is to use flea nematodes.
Flea nematodes are microscopic parasites that kill flea larvae.
The nematodes are harmless to pets, humans and plants.
You can purchase flea nematodes online or in some garden supply stores.
To apply the flea nematodes to your yard, sprinkle them in a moist, shady spot.
Another nontoxic option for outdoor flea control is to spray cedar spray around your yard or sprinkle cedar chips or granules around your yard.
Cedar is toxic to fleas and acts as a flea repellent.
However, cedar is short acting and needs to be reapplied often.
Purchase cedar sprays at pet stores or online and cedar chips and granules at garden supply stores.
Do not use cedar shavings or cedar products that contain a lot of dust.
Inhaling the dust can cause respiratory distress in pets.
Do not allow pets to eat cedar.
The ingestion of cedar is toxic.
Do not apply cedar oil directly on cats.
Some pets may experience skin sensitivities to cedar.
Remove the cedar if your pet exhibits skin reactions to it.
how to kill fleas in carpet::When fleas get in your carpet they tend to
hang around a while and therefore flea control can be difficult how to
kill fleas in carpet

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