суббота, 1 октября 2011 г.

removing candle wax from carpet::Remove the ice; you should have very cold and dry wax removing candle wax from carpet

removing candle wax from carpet

removing candle wax from carpet

removing candle wax from carpet

removing candle wax from carpet::Remove the ice; you should have very cold and dry wax.
Scrape off what you can with the butter knife, and suck it up in the dustbuster as you scrape.
Lay paper towels over the wax stain.
Over the paper towels, put a dry washcloth.
Put your iron on top of the dry washcloth and press firmly, wiggling the iron, for about ten seconds.
Lift the paper towels.
If there is a grease stain on the paper towel, your iron is hot enough; if not, make it a little warmer.
Repeat until a grease stain shows up on your paper towel.
Discard stained paper towel and replace with a new one, cover with the washcloth, and repeat ironing.
Check the paper towel; if it has a grease stain, repeat all of this step until the paper towel comes back twice without grease.
If your carpet looks okay now, great!
But if there is noticeable discoloration, you will need to clean it with a carpet cleaner.
While the wax stain is still very warm from the iron, put undiluted carpet cleaner or a gentle colorfast laundry stain remover directly on the stain, and scrub gently with a damp washcloth.
Cut pile carpet is a little trickier, particularly if you have a darkcolored wax on a lightcolored pile.
Your steps, though, are very similar to the ones for a loop carpet, except you are going to need to make allowances for the pile.
As with the loop carpeting, put ice or a bag of frozen vegetables inside a tightlysealing ziploc baggie.
Place the ice over the wax to freeze it.
You want the wax as cold as possible before you start working with it.
Continue with the dustbuster, paper towels, dry washcloth, and an iron that will not steam.
If it does, skip all the steps concerning irons and go straight to the stain remover section.
Remove the ice; you should have very cold and dry wax.
Gently scrape off what you can with the blunt side of your butter knife, and suck it up in the dustbuster as you scrape.
If your brush starts to catch on the fibers, stop and go to the next step.
Flatten the pile around and in the wax stain so that it all slants in one direction.
Lay paper towels over the wax stain.
Over the paper towels, put a dry washcloth.
Put your iron on top of the dry washcloth and press firmly, wiggling the iron, for about ten seconds.
Lift the paper towels.
If there is a grease stain on the paper towel, your iron is hot enough; if not, make it a little warmer.
Repeat until a grease stain shows up on your paper towel.
Discard stained paper towel and replace with a new one, cover with the washcloth, and repeat ironing.
Check the paper towel; if it has a grease stain, repeat all of this step until the paper towel comes back twice without grease.
Flatten the pile in the opposite direction, and repeat the remainder of steps 5 and 6.
You should do this in four directions: up, down, right, and left.
Finally, flatten the pile in a burst away from the center of the wax stain, so that the heaviest part of the stain is in the center of the flattened pile.
Repeat steps 5 and 6 one more time.
But if there is noticeable discoloration, you will need to clean it with a carpet cleaner.
removing candle wax from carpet::You will need paper towels and an
electric iron removing candle wax from carpet

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