воскресенье, 2 октября 2011 г.

urinating on carpet::Dogs do this for a variety of reasons, and narrowing it down will help you put this behavior to a halt urinating on carpet

urinating on carpet

urinating on carpet

urinating on carpet

urinating on carpet::Dogs do this for a variety of reasons, and narrowing it down will help you put this behavior to a halt.
For example, your dog may be doing this because of a health condition, to mark its territory or because it does not know it is doing anything wrong.
Take your dog to the veterinarian to rule out any health issues.
This is especially important if your dog is starting to urinate on the carpet when it is already housetrained.
Your vet may find that your dog has an infection that is causing your dog to have to relieve itself more frequently or have less control over holding its urine.
Some male dogs urinate in the house to mark their territories; if this is the case, consider neutering your dog.
The center for companion animal health at uc davis found in one study that the age of the dog and the duration of the problem were not factors in how effective neutering was on this behavioral issue.
Get your dog on a urinating schedule.
This will keep your dog from having to hold its urine for long periods, and it will get in the habit of going outside to relieve itself regularly.
This is especially true for puppies or dogs that are being housebroken.
Begin by taking your dog out first thing in the morning, after each meal, after it plays hard or drinks a lot of water, and before bed.
Praise your dog when it goes potty outside.
It is important to let your dog know when it is doing something right, and this will encourage it to want to urinate outside instead of inside.
Observe your dog closely while it is inside.
If your dog has an accident in the house, it is important to catch it in the act.
If you scold your dog after the fact, it is not going to understand why it is being yelled at; dogs do not associate the past with the present like that.
Do not hit or smack your dog.
Immediately take the dog outside so it understands where it should be relieving itself; praise the dog if it goes potty outside, even if it went inside, too.
Clean up any messes very well.
This will deter the dog from smelling the scent of urine on the carpet, and returning to the same spot to urinate.
Use a good carpet cleanersome contain enzymes that will break down urineor use a vinegar and water mixture.
Do not use anything that contains ammonia.
urinating on carpet::The book i used, twisted whiskers, was very
helpful on this point urinating on carpet

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