пятница, 7 октября 2011 г.

sears carpet cleaning canada::Though older persons are much less most likely to be victims of crime than teenagers and young adults, the number of crimes against older individuals is challenging to ignore sears carpet cleaning canada

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sears + carpet cleaning + canada

sears + carpet cleaning + canada

sears + carpet cleaning + canada::Though older persons are much less most likely to be victims of crime than teenagers and young adults, the number of crimes against older individuals is challenging to ignore.
Older people today are normally targets for robbery, purse snatching, pickpocketing, auto theft, or property repair scams.
They are extra most likely than younger many people to face attackers who are strangers.
During a crime, an older person is far more most likely to be seriously hurt than someone who is younger.
But, even though there are risks, do not let the fear of crime stop you from enjoying life.
Be careful and be aware of your surroundings.
A good alarm technique can assist.
Do make a list of your high priced belongings.
You may well even take photos of the most valuable items.
Store these papers in a secure location.
Do ask your nearby police department about marking your valuable property with an i.
Look through the peephole or a safe window very first.
Ask any stranger for proof of identity before opening the door.
Remember, you do not have to open the door if you feel uneasy.
Do not maintain significant amounts of cash in the residence.
Do get to know your neighbors.
Join a neighborhood watch program if your community has 1.
Do try to remain alert.
Stay away from unsafe locations like dark parking lots or alleys.
Do maintain your automobile doors locked at all times.
Do park in welllit places.
Do carry your purse close to your body with the strap over your shoulder and across your chest.
Do not resist a robber.
Hand over your cash ideal away if confronted.
Do have your monthly pension or social security checks sent correct to the bank for direct deposit.
Try not to have a normal banking routine.
Put your wallet, capital, or credit cards in an inside pocket.
A thief who steals each could use the card to forge your signature on checks.

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